About Me

Currently doing MBA in IT from Symbiosis Centre for IT, Pune.Completed internship in HDFC Bank in Datawareousing and Business Intelligence.I was born in Ludhiana(Punjab) brought up in Chandigarh.Present home in Chandigarh.Completed B.Tech in Computer Science Engineering.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Terrorism: COMMON MAN: Solutions ???

How can we tackle the problem of Terrorism?

A common man thinks that it is the responsibility of the government to tackle the challenges posed by Terrorism. It is a general perception that an individual cannot do anything in order to solve this problem. After some thought, I came up with the following points which I as an  individual can do to change the situation. I solicit more suggestions and opinions from the readers of this article: 

As a common man I will do the following things to change the situation : 

1) Encourage clean Politics 

    “Do not worry about those who have come through boats. Our forces can easily defeat them. WORRY about those who have come through votes.”

       The real solution of terrorism lies with elected members. You have the only option to choose the worst people because the educated and cultured people of India are not too keen to join politics. I will spread awareness among the educated youth that ‘Politics’ is also a profession. If right people are at the right positions then certainly we can aim to match America where not a single terrorist incident has happened since the 9/11 attacks.

2) Support 2 Party System

     The region-specific focus of local parties is fueling regionalism and as a result this great country is losing its unity and suffering bloody clashes. I will support the cause of two party system on the pattern of  United States. Nowdays the regional parties break the votes as a result of which a stable government is not formed. Stable government is necessary in order to take concrete steps in combating terorrorism. 

3) Lend my support to security guards in carrying out their duties

Be it in an airplane, a visit to a factory-location or even an IT campus, the security team do their ‘routine safety check’.  Their job involves saving property damage and lives of many including the ‘self’. Security guards are often considered as an obstruction and waste of time by many individuals as a result of which people often quarrel with them. Hence the morale of the security men goes down. Security men always need to be on their toes. Therefore, I will fully cooperate with them . If need arises to factor in the time that’s required for this, I will depart early and be there ahead of time.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Surprising but TRUE !!!

A FACT which everyone, working in Bangalore and Chennai, should know ?

Recently, I came across a question: Which of the two cities(Banglore and Chennai) is more southwards with respect to their location on Map of India?

My obvious answer was Chennai (as any other person would have answered)
But to my surprise the correct answer was Bangalore.
Then in order to verify this fact I checked on GOOGLE and it turned out to be correct.

If you will see map of India then you will realize this fact:

To be more accurate/precise here are the details:
The correct Location of the two cities is as follows:

Chennai: 13° 04' North
Banglore: 12° 58' North

The concept of 13° 04' north will be clear if we consider equator as 0 (zero) degree and all the latitudes in northern hemisphere start from 0 degree upto 90 degree (North Pole).Hence Banglore is more near to equator than Chennai.

A new feature introduced by GOOGLE !!!

Which service of Google plans to tackle the problem of drunken e-mails?

Answer:  Google Goggles

Now you may be thinking What are these drunken e-mails ?

Drunken E-mails are the mails which people often send which they realize later that they should not have sent to their Boss or Friend (because of drinking too much alcohol generally on friday evenings).
So How does this new feature introduced by GOOGLE help in dealing with this problem ?

When you enable Mail Goggles, it will check that you're really sure you want to send that late night Friday email. This feature makes you solve a few simple math problems after you click send to verify you're in the right state of mind? The basic addition and multiplication sums have to be completed within a time limit.

By default, Mail Goggles is only active late night on the weekend as that is the time that the feature is needed. Once enabled, you can adjust when it's active in the General settings.
